Our Veterinary Blogs

Veterinary Associates of North Branford Blogs

We love educating our clients, which is why we have curated posts filled with helpful information regarding pet care.

Veterinary Blog

Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Veterinary Associates of North Branford team!

Discover How to Get Ready for Your Pet’s Passing

Discover How to Get Ready for Your Pet’s Passing

Discover How to Get Ready for Your Pet's Passing Even though losing a pet is never easy, getting ready for it can lessen your mental and emotional pain. Here are four suggestions to help you prepare for and grieve the eventual loss of your pet.   #1: Evaluate the...

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Tips for Lyme Disease Prevention in Dogs

Tips for Lyme Disease Prevention in Dogs

Tips for Lyme Disease Prevention in Dogs Sluggish parasites awaken as frigid winter weather gradually disappears and is replaced by warm spring temps. A month dedicated to preventing Lyme disease in dogs would therefore be ideal in April. Take steps to lessen the...

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A Guide to Dog Walking Safety

A Guide to Dog Walking Safety

Watch Out On Walks: Hazards to Avoid When Walking Your Pet   Celebrate Take a Walk in the Park Day with your four-legged friend on March 30, but don’t let hazards ruin a perfect day. Keep your eyes peeled for the following issues when walking your pet.   #1:...

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5 Common Pet Toxins in Your Home

5 Common Pet Toxins in Your Home

Hazards in Your Home: 5 Common Pet Toxins   In honor of National Animal Poison Prevention Week, which will take place March 19 to 25, our team wants to share some of the most common household products that are toxic to pets.    #1: Medications One of the...

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Is My Pet’s Limp Serious?

Is My Pet’s Limp Serious?

Why Is My Pet Limping?   When your pet suddenly develops a limp, you may wonder whether it is a problem that requires urgent care or an issue that can be managed at home with rest. Let’s run through the list of the most common reasons pets limp and when a limp...

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When Should I Schedule My First Pet Dental Cleaning?

When Should I Schedule My First Pet Dental Cleaning?

3 Ways to Tell When Your Pet Needs Their First Dental Cleaning   Every pet is different, and so is the time frame in which they need their teeth cleaned. However, here are three signs that mean your four-legged friend would benefit from a professional pet dental...

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